What more can be done to address the “unavoidable smallness due to remoteness” of delivering health care in rural areas?
That it costs more to deliver health and care in rural areas is well-rehearsed among RSN members. But how much more does it actually cost to deliver in rural areas and are these costs recognised in current funding formulae? Jessica Sellick investigates. How much funding is available for the NHS and where does it come […]
Hidden hunger – how can we tackle food poverty and insecurity in rural areas?
When we think of the word ‘hunger’ we often think about starving children in developing countries. Yet unfortunately this type of hunger is very much a reality for some people living in the UK today. Figures suggest 1 in 6 adults has skipped a meal because they couldn’t afford it and 1 in 12 has […]
Making a transition from military to civilian life – how can we (better) support veterans in rural areas?
There are some 2.5 million UK armed forces veterans living in households across Great Britain. The Armed Forces Covenant was introduced in 2011 to influence support and policies directed at the veteran community. The Government published a new Veterans Strategy in November 2018. Alongside this, a consultation on ways to implement the strategy is open […]
[Not] becoming NEET in rural England
Young people are staying in education for longer than previous generations, with many finding their feet through further study and work. Yet one-in-ten 16-24 years olds is NEET: Not in Education, Employment or Training. What affects young people’s life chances and what can be done to boost opportunities for young people in rural areas so […]
How can we build a rural health and care workforce?
The NHS tuned 70 on 5 July 2018. This year has seen celebrations and appreciation of the vital role that the service plays. As the NHS ages the pressures and demands it faces are very different to those of 1948 – with the workforce under considerable strain to provide services. How can we plan, fund, […]