What role for local authorities managing the natural environment?
The natural environment includes a range of landscapes – from uplands to urban fringe and coastline – with many people appreciating local distinctiveness: from the historic (physical remains from the interaction between people and places through time) to the cultural (expressions of visual and spatial relationships such as public gardens, farmland and industrial sites). Yet […]
A healthcare settlement for rural England?
In 2013, The King’s Fund established the ‘Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England‘. Chaired by Dame Kate Barker, the Commission explored what a new settlement for health and social care might entail at a time of growing demand and constrained resources. With the Commission’s final report published in September 2014, […]
How social enterprise boosts rural services
Often referred to as ‘businesses with social objectives with any profits usually reinvested in the local community’, many social enterprises do not necessarily recognise or associate themselves within this definition. A social enterprise may operate a community centre, charge a fee to provide a childcare facility and also draw down grant funding or raise money […]
Planning for Britain’s rural future
In his ‘Review of Rural Economy and Affordable Housing’, Matthew Taylor looked at how the planning system could bring a positive, lasting legacy of places in which people actually wanted to live. Rather than fixating on how many new homes were needed, his report considered how to manage and plan for development that was inevitable […]
Boosting support for rural jobs and growth
With the requirements and expectations for the next programming period (2014 to 2020) now being set, will the new round of LEADER funding deliver projects that address local priorities or will people be stifled by regulatory and operational requirements coming down from the EU? Jessica Sellick investigates. The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a […]