How do other countries “think rurally?”
Rural England is not alone in dealing with issues like transport, broadband, affordable housing and access to services which can leave some people struggling to live, work and thrive in our rural communities. The OECD, for example, publishes comprehensive reviews of rural policy in individual countries as well as overarching analytical reports. Looking at rural […]
‘Working at scale’ – what do Primary Care Networks mean for rural communities?
Primary care services ‘provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the front door of the NHS.’ It includes general practice, community pharmacy, dental and optometry services. It is also the route by which we most commonly access secondary parts of the NHS (e.g. planned hospital care, rehabilitative care, urgent/emergency care, […]
Apprenticeships – training people for (rural) jobs of the future?
Back in 2012, the Richard Review of Apprenticeships explored what apprenticeships should be like in the future, and how they could meet the needs of a changing economy. Upon finding an extraordinary number of qualifications, which could be stitched together in an infinite number of combinations leading to any number of possible outcomes Richard’s called […]
How can we develop a picture of income [in]equality in the countryside?
Some people have higher incomes and wealth than others. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), average household income in 2018 contracted by 1.6% for the poorest fifth of the nation and rose by 4.7% for the richest fifth. ONS’s statistical bulletin also reveals how median household disposable income growth plateaued at £28,400 in […]
Developing a theory of change: mapping out the “missing [rural] middle” or (re)describing a process?
A ‘theory of change’ involves people coming together to think about the difference that they want to make (and with whom), the context within which they work and what activities they need to undertake to lead to this positive change. But does a theory of change have a transformative effect on community projects or is […]