Where does rural fit in the Government’s brand-new Freeport policy?
The Government wants to level up the UK by ensuring that towns, cities and regions across the country can benefit from global trade, inward investment and employment opportunities. In drawing on evidence from across the world, the Government is intending to create freeports across the UK. What does the UK freeports model look like and […]
If we want to be powered by place, what can geospatial data tell us about rural areas?
Location shapes the way we live, work and socialise. Geospatial data, also known as location-based data, is commonly seen as a foundation upon which a wide range of services can be developed and delivered. Geospatial data has been used to respond to COVID-19, from modelling the transmission of the virus, through to predicting populations more […]
What’s the real cost of borrowing on credit in rural areas?
From buying a home, to replacing an appliance, or meeting an unexpected emergency, many households rely on some form of credit. But over the past four decades the UK has seen a rapid increase in consumer debt. This is now coupled with the impact of COVID-19 – with some people losing their job and others […]
Are more people looking to escape to the countryside?
Living through lockdown has left many of us rethinking our homes, and where we live, in ways we may never have imagined. When your entire life takes place within the confine of the walls of your home, how much space you have and what that space looks like takes on new meaning. During lockdown some […]
Where do rural areas fit in the ‘levelling up’ agenda?
The UK is sometimes viewed as having one of the most geographically unequal economies in the world – where London and the South East are seen as some of the most productive and prosperous places in Europe with other regions and places lag far behind. ‘Levelling up’ is a term being used by Government to […]